Monday, 24 June 2019

Facts to Know Before Studying Nursing Courses in Canada

The thought of pursuing a nursing course in Canada can be alluring. Fancy scrubs and technologically advanced hospitals is how most of us envision the future of studying a nursing course in Canada. However, there’s much more to it. To help you make the right choice, here we have some facts you must know before studying a nursing course in Canada.

1.     Plethora of specializations

In the ever-evolving field of nursing, you can find a huge variety of specializations. Different nursing disciplines cater to different patient care needs, which makes the culture of ‘specialized education’ more likeable. Name a specialization and you get suitable nursing courses in Canada to enhance your skills in that niche. In a way, this is looked upon as an opportunity for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) to learn new techniques and explore responsibilities that are now a part of nursing.

Some common specializations that are highly preferred by nursing students in Canada are as follows:

1.      Cardiovascular Nursing

2.      Community Health Nursing

3.      Critical Care Nursing

4.      Critical Care Pediatric Nursing

5.      Emergency Nursing

6.      Enterostomal Therapy Nursing

7.      Gastroenterology Nursing

8.      Gerontological Nursing

9.      Hospice Palliative Care Nursing

10.  Medical-Surgical Nursing

11.  Nephrology Nursing

12.  Neuroscience Nursing

13.  Occupational Health Nursing

14.  Oncology Nursing

15.  Orthopaedic Nursing

16.  Peri Anesthesia Nursing

17.  Perinatal Nursing

18.  Perioperative Nursing

19.  Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

20.  Rehabilitation Nursing

To upskill themselves from all aspects, most of the students choose postgraduate certificate programs over master programs. One important reason for making this choice is that certificate programs are of a relatively shorter duration and yet cover most of the modules included in a masters program.

Masters in nursing can be tough when in a foreign land. Students have to juggle with part time work, which is key to survival. At the same time, completing their clinical hours is also important and that leads to unwanted pressure. Hence, when thinking of studying a nursing specialization in Canada, think of postgraduate certificate programs. They are affordable, time saving and bring along the benefit of studying nursing disciplines of your choice.

2.     Canada needs more nursing leaders

Gone are those days when the profession of nursing was restricted to patient care. In countries like Canada, nursing is an ever-evolving profession that identifies the importance of highly specialized team members. Considering the same, there is a huge demand of nursing leaders in Canada. The changing trends of patient care in the country are relying heavily on nursing leaders who can head departments with varying requirements.  

To explore the correlation between leadership and nursing, you can study nursing programs inToronto and build on your leadership skills with reference to nursing.

While deciding to study nursing programs in Toronto, consider studying Nursing Leadership & Management because one of its module helps you prepare for the NCLEX-RN examination, which gets you closer to being a part of the Canadian healthcare system.

Studying nursing courses in Canada makes you realize that nurses are doing much more than just basic duties. From being caregivers to patient educators, nurses truly earn the title of being a leader.

3.      Nursing is one of the most trusted professions in Canada

Originating from nobility, the profession of nursing is now one of the most valued professions in Canada. According to a survey reported by Global News, “more than nine in ten Canadians admire nurses because of the factor of dealing in trust.” The fact that nurses are regarded as honest, transparent and ethical strengthens the idea of pursuing nursing courses in Canada. Undoubtedly, it takes a strong will to be a nursing student and enter a profession that continues to advocate. Nurses advocate for their patients, workplaces, communities, and themselves. Without nurses, some patients would not be able to advocate for themselves. It is through advocacy that nurses continue to gain the trust and respect of their patients and families.

4.     Alarming shortage of nurses

As warned by Canadian Nurses Association, Canada needs more than 60,000 nurses by 2022.  One strategy for overcoming shortage of nurses is to increase Canada’s nursing population through immigration. The country is relying on Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs), to fill the gap, which means now is the right time to study nursing courses in Canada.

5.     “Think out of the hospital”

Not all nurses work in hospitals. Young nursing graduates nowadays are experimenting with their work place. With the popularity of specialty-based nursing courses in Canada, career opportunities have seen an upward shift. Those studying nursing programs in Toronto stand a high chance of finding exciting opportunities, as the city has a dynamic environment keeping some space for experimentation. In Canada, imagining a nursing career for yourself includes much more than PA announcements and fluorescent hospital lighting. A few non-traditional roles include working as a legal nurse consultant, mental health nurse, nurse educator, public health nurse, home health nurse, school nurse and research nurse.

Working in a variety of different environments helps to develop your skills and when in Canada, you must break the stereotypes. Getting out of your comfort zone and looking into non-traditional alternatives can provide better chances of using your education to build an interesting career for yourself while serving others.

6.     Canada is a pool of multi-cultural students

A majority of international students studying nursing courses in Canada hail from countries like China, India, Poland, Philippines, UK and USA.

Being the first nation to declare multiculturalism as a policy, Canada provides a harmonious environment, assuring all citizens are aware of their rights and responsibilities. The country accommodates over two hundred nationalities with more than 20% of Canadians born in other countries. Hence, the dominance of international students in the field of nursing too.

A majority of international students pursue nursing programs in Toronto since the city is home to 100 distinct ethnic groups. Being the largest city of Canada, Toronto accommodates a population of nearly 6 million people, which makes it one of the highly preferred location for visitors and immigrants.

7.     Salary & benefits

After completing your nursing education, there are certain things you must know about working as a Registered Nurse in Canada. These things include varying pay scales, professional benefits and the level of job security you can expect in Canada.

-          Average Salary

Many factors contribute towards deciding the basic salary of a nurse, depending upon the area of specialization and the working hours being put in. In most of the cases, the average salary of RN in Canada is more than CAD 60,000. The high paying scales for RNs make their job equally respectable as that of a doctor or any other high rank healthcare professional.

-          Flexible work schedules

Working as an international nurse can also offer sufficient day offs which are compensated against the each extra hour that you work. 
-          Health insurance is covered

Being a healthcare provider yourself, you get an access to comprehensive health insurance plans, which cover you and your family members.

-          Assistance in Child Care

To ensure full attention to the kids of nurses working at odd hours, many hospitals and institutions provide the facility of childcare where the kids are taken well care of, as and when required.

Getting a thorough knowledge of facts listed above should help you make the most of your study experience in Canada. Along with the advancement of your nursing education, studying a nursing course in Canada will also make you culturally aware as you interact with other people in their own native settings. So, get your facts checked, pick the right program and set on your journey to become a Global Nurse.

Friday, 29 March 2019

Important Exams for Internationally Educated Nurses in Canada

Becoming a nurse can transform you in so many ways. The experience also varies from country to country. Considering the impact of the profession in Canada, one must know that nurses are one of the most trusted professionals in the country.

When the idea of continuing nursing education in Canada comes up, we all look for best nursing programs in Canada. However, the definition of ‘best’ can vary for all of us, depending upon our future goals. For most of us, being a part of the Canadian healthcare workforce is the end goal and that requires sufficient amount of skills, knowledge and experience. Before working, it is advisable to enroll in 2-year nursing programs in Canada or study two nursing programs in Canada. Doing so can help you to be a part of the competent healthcare workforce.
Well, if your definition for best nursing programs in Canada includes an interest to study specific nursing disciplines, then specialized nursing programs offered by INSCOL can be the right fit for you. Our programs are tailor-made to facilitate established pathways for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) in Canada.

Who is considered an Internationally Educated Nurse (IEN) in Canada?

A nursing graduate or a nursing professional who has obtained an accredited nursing degree from anywhere apart from Canada is known as an Internationally Educated Nurse in the country.
Say, if your home country is India and you have successfully completed your nursing diploma/degree from there but want to continue your nursing education in Canada, you’ll be referred to as an IEN in Canada.
Before applying for any study program, one must also note that the eligibility criteria for IENs might vary in every province of the country. The requirements for nursing programs in Ontario can be somewhat different from that in other provinces of the country.

Best Nursing Programs in Canada for IENs

As an international student, you must look for programs aligning well with your academic history and future goals. Canada needs nurses with an advanced qualification in different nursing disciplines. Nurses with an exposure to disciplines like mental health and gerontology are highly preferred in the country.
Before studying nursing in Canada, you must carefully research about the program options available. Studying 2-year nursing programs or completing two nursing programs in Canada can strengthen your profile for the registration process in the province. To simplify your choices, INSCOL has an exclusive range of specialized nursing programs, tailor-made to boost career choices for IENs. With our programs, you also get an exposure to real time scenarios, inducing hands on practice in diverse healthcare settings.
Specializations like palliative care, community mental health and nursing leadership & management include modules catering to cultural diversity, issues in mental health nursing and leadership studies. Adding to the pool of advantages is the RN/RPN exam preparation module that is a part of the nursing leadership and management program.
So nurses, before making a move, give a strong consideration to what you’re going to study and how is it going to create an impact for you in the long run.

Four Important Exams to Know About

The process for nursing registration is similar in every province of Canada but it is possible that every nursing body will assess you differently. In Ontario, you must clear certain examinations determining your competency to work as a nurse. Mentioned here are the details about four important exams, all Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) should know about.
    1. CPNRE
The Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination (CPNRE) is a competency-based examination for students who have successfully completed accredited practical nursing programs. In order to work as a Registered Practical Nurse in Ontario, you must clear this exam.
Evolving from paper-and-pencil to computer based testing, CPNRE is now a technology driven examination conducted by Pearson Vue. There are 165-170 multiple-choice questions to be answered in the duration of four hours. To clear this examination, one must have a proper knowledge about practical nursing principles and their application in any given situation.
    2. NCLEX-RN
The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is a mandatory exam required by association of nursing to assess a candidate’s eligibility for practicing entry-level nursing. In order to work as a Registered Nurse in Ontario, you must clear this exam. Before planning where you want to take the NCLEX, submit your application to a province or territory. This exam is only open for the students who hold an accredited nursing degree.
The sole purpose of this examination is to determine if you can begin practicing entry-level nursing or not. Questions for NCLEX will test your critical thinking skills to make judgements as a nurse. For details about preparing for and clearing the examination, you can also refer to an elaborated piece mentioning all you need to know about NCLEX.

    3. OSCE
The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) aims to assess your performance based upon your clinical competence. Falling under the category of Internationally Educated Nurses Competency Assessment Program (IENCAP), OSCE has been in practice since 2013.
The exam takes place in a setting similar to real-life clinical situations in order to provide a clear picture of an applicant’s nursing competencies than a strictly paper-based assessment.
You are eligible to take OSCE if you have successfully completed a nursing program designed to prepare you for becoming a Registered Nurse (RN) or a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) in Ontario. Once your nursing education and experience if any, is assessed by the College of Nurses of Ontario, you must take this examination.
    4. Jurisprudence Examination
It is an examination focused at testing your understanding about laws, regulations and practice standards governing the profession of nursing in Ontario. The jurisprudence exam is an open-book online exam you can write at any time during your application. You can take the exam as many times as you need. When applying to become RN or RPN, the jurisprudence examination remains the same. The only situation where you will have to take this exam again will be if you wrote it more than 5 years ago.
Questions for this examination are in the context of nursing rules, professional responsibility and everything ethical that you must be aware about before working as a nurse. For a closer look, it is advisable to check a few sample questions before writing the exam.
Source: CNO

Why study & work in Ontario?

When it comes to exploring new countries apart from your home country, Canada is a wise choice for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs). A large number of international nursing students are studying in Ontario. Many reasons make Ontario a favorable choice for you but the factor of being immigrant friendly is the strongest of all. Located in central Canada, Ontario has trusted colleges and universities offering reliable 2-year nursing programs for international students.
The fact that the province needs more number of RNs and RPNS in the nursing workforce assures there’s plenty of room for young nursing graduates.
Once you hop onto the journey of studying and working in Ontario, be prepared to undergo a transformation personally and professionally. Being surrounded by multicultural people can be an enrichening experience in various manners. From learning new patient care techniques to shaping new cultural perspectives, Ontario can be life changing for you.

Choose the Way Forward

Nurses, to have a secure future one must work in the present. The decision to move out of your home country can be overwhelming if you let it be. Once you’re sure about the driving forces behind it, you are set to be unstoppable!

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Six Nursing Specialties You Must Study in Canada

Canada is a second home to the majority of Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs). With a vision to be a part of the globally recognized healthcare system, IENs are studying nursing in Canada. Making this choice can serve various purposes but one must always be careful to choose suitable nursing programs in Canada.

After studying nursing in Canada, you can explore multitudes of career opportunities on a global scale. However, it is important to know that only the right skillset and education can help you realize the potential of new opportunities coming your way. Keeping in mind the demand for nurses with specialized education in the country, INSCOL offers you tailor-made nursing programs in Canada.

Our postgraduate specialization programs are the best pick in terms of affordability, timesaving and cost effectiveness. They can also help you in paving your pathway towards nursing registration in Canada.  So, here we have some more information about six specialization programs you must study in Canada. Also, we bring you all the right reasons to study them with INSCOL!

1.       Palliative Care Multidiscipline

Overview: A branch of nursing to provide care for patients with serious illnesses. The main goal of studying this postgraduate nursing program in palliative care is to improve the life quality of patients and support their family to overcome the stressful time.

Reasons to choose this program: Palliative Care is one of our highly appreciated nursing programs in Canada. Studying a postgraduate program in palliative care could be a right choice for you as the country has an alarming rate of patients with life limiting illnesses. With an in depth study of palliative care, you can definitely tap employment opportunities in the healthcare sector of the country and also serve the purpose of helping individuals battling with terminal diseases.

2.       Nursing Leadership & Management

Overview: In the profession of nursing, it is important to work on your leadership and management skills. Studying this nursing program in Canada will not only make you better at your job but will also open a gateway of employment opportunities on the managerial front.  You can be a part of the important decision-making like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

Reasons to choose this program: Leadership is one of the essential qualities for nurses and a dedicated study program to hone your leadership and management skills is the best possible way to go about it. With our postgraduate certificate in nursing leadership & management, unlock new career opportunities in leadership and managerial roles in Canada. For an elaborated understanding of leadership for nurses, you can find some useful insights right here.

3.       Community Mental Health

Overview: A community mental health nurse works with a team of healthcare professionals dedicated towards treating individuals diagnosed with mental illness. With an international nursing program in mental health, you can learn how to provide care for a certain community. Being a community mental health nurse, you also need to work with appropriate community agencies to ensure a coordinated team treatment plan, as and when required.

Reasons to choose this program: From the past few years, mental health has been getting its due importance as people are becoming more aware about the stigmas and myths attached to it. This rising awareness calls for an increased demand of mental health nurses. With our postgraduate certificate program in community mental health, you can explore the issues and trends in mental health in Canada. Successful completion of this program opens a gateway of career opportunities in the healthcare sector of Canada.

4.       Chronic Disease Management

Overview: With this postgraduate nursing program, you can gain insights on helping individuals impacted by chronic health conditions like diabetes, asthma, depression, arthritis, etc. Studying about chronic disease management is important to help patients live a healthier, longer life.

Reasons to choose this program: With our postgraduate certificate in chronic disease management, you can gain knowledge about the prevention and management of chronic diseases. Being a relatively new specialization, chronic disease management has a large scope of opportunities for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) in Canada.

5.       Coronary Care Nursing

Overview: 1 in 12 Canadian adults is diagnosed with a heart disease. This increasing number of heart patients has resulted in an increased demand for nurses specializing in coronary care. Studying this nursing program in Canada can equip you with knowledge and skills required to treat patients having cardiovascular problems.

Reasons to choose this program: Nurses with an inclination towards cardiology should study our postgraduate certificate in coronary care nursing. This program prepares you for advanced patient care practices to treat individuals experiencing cardiovascular illness. With a combination of practical and theoretical learning, you can get an experience of working in a globally competent environment in Canada.

6.       Gerontology

Overview: Studying a specialization program in Gerontology can provide you a detailed knowledge about caring for the older population inflicted with life limiting diseases. It is advised to opt for this specialization once you’ve specialized in a detailed nursing program in Canada.

Reasons to choose this program: Studying a postgraduate certificate program in Gerontology is an ideal choice for nurses looking to enhance their foundational knowledge. It usually befits the requirement of an additional program, increasing the chances of more global opportunities coming your way. Specializing as a geriatric nurse makes you capable of caring for older adults in diverse healthcare settings. 

Way Forward

Once you have studied at length about the nursing specialties, you would want to act upon it.

To assist you in making the right choice, we at INSCOL provide you with a free consultation where you can get all your queries answered from our program representatives. For a beginning towards your global nursing career, reach out to us at

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Important Things to Know Before You Study Nursing in Canada

With almost a decade of nursing professionals moving to Canada, it is no more a news that majority of Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) are currently studying nursing programs in Canada. The country plays a dominant role in the global demand for nurses and this is one of the biggest factors inspiring IENs to be a part of the Canadian healthcare system.

Trusting the history of nursing, the profession has always been a noble one. Until few years back, not many people recognized the value of quality education for nurses. It wouldn’t be wrong to blame the lack of resources and awareness for it. Well, now that the trends are constantly changing, a majority of nurses from developing nations want to make the most of this career line by studying specialized nursing programs in Canada.

Going ahead with the idea of nursing study in Canada, you should be well-informed about why a choice is to be made. Well, nurses, it’s never possible to get a hang of all the facts at once. Therefore, here we have listed out a few low-key but important facts to know before you study nursing in Canada.

1.   Cultural Diversity

To most of the people, cultural diversity turns out to be a confusing concept. Think it’s impossible to accommodate so many cultures all at once?  Well, that’s where you need to step up the game of being introduced to cultural diversity in Canada.

Being one of the high-income nations, Canada is home to people hailing from different walks of life. The country consists of two hundred nationalities with more than 20% of Canadians born in other countries. According to the statistics, a majority of Canada’s foreign-born population resides in Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec and Alberta. Over 200 ethnic origins were reported in the 2011 National Household Survey and 13 of those had surpassed the one million-population mark. It is also important to note that this cultural diversity is showing no signs of stopping in the near future.

Well if you’re wondering about the time span of Canada being a multicultural country then put to rest your apprehensions. It was only possible over the years that patterns of immigration continued to shift. Historically, most immigrants came from Europe. More recently, the largest group of newcomers to Canada has come from Asia, including the Middle East.

2.   Variety of Nursing Programs

When we say nursing has witnessed a major chunk of revolution in Canada, we definitely mean it. The country offers a wide variety of study programs for IENs with a vision of revamping their global nursing career. For each of your varying aspirations you can study suitable nursing programs in Canada.

Even though a large number of students prefer studying post-graduate nursingprograms in Canada, it is still a decision at your discretion. The reason why post-graduate nursing programs in Canada are a favorable choice for most of the international students is that they are timesaving and bring along the factor of affordability. You can also pick a specialization of your choice and further look for job prospects related to it.

Moving on, you must pay extra attention to a few more things before making the final call. Ask yourself these three important questions before you apply for any of the nursing programs in Canada.

·         Are you applying to study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)?

·         Are you studying a program that makes you eligible for Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)?

·         Are you choosing the right program that inches you closer to becoming a Registered Nurse?

These three questions can clear the air of so many concerns for you. 
Lack of proper information gets many students trapped in study programs that can be heavy on their pockets, time-consuming and a lot less beneficial. So, it is always advisable to maximize your research and make sure you do justice to your efforts, money and time.

3.   Quality Based Hands-on Learning Experience

Practical experience for nurses is as important as voting in a developing democracy. You cannot skip it and complain about running out of choices. The secret was led out long time back by Aristotle as he stated, “for the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them".

Without prior practical experience, nurses cannot be well equipped with the skills to treat patients on field. This is yet again an important reason to study nursing in Canada.

The country offers study programs with special emphasis on hands-on learning experience for students. Looking into the details, you may realize that post-graduatenursing programs in Canada, the ones that enable you to specialize in a nursing discipline are a wise choice. What makes us say so is the fact that the healthcare sector in Canada is actively hiring nurses with an expertise of a specific nursing discipline.

4.   World Renowned Healthcare System

The healthcare system of Canada has seen a strong wave of change over the past decade. Technological advancements have majorly influenced the developments, setting the Canadian healthcare system to be an example in itself. One of the major transformations that took place include the introduction of EHealth

The concept of EHealth (Electronic Health) in Canada has facilitated a more transparent and simplified pathway of coordination between patients and healthcare professionals. A layman explanation of EHealth’s contribution to the evolution of healthcare in Canada can be read right here.

In Canada, primary healthcare has a strategic backbone. To begin with, there is easy accessibility of first-contact health care services that later can be shifted to specialized consults to ensure continuity of care for the patients.

5.   High Rate Of Employment

In Canada, ‘nurses rule the job boards’. While this demands further details, let us quickly run you through facts ranging 2008 -2016, which support the statement above.

·         4.0% growth rate for RN and RPN graduates in 2016

·         From 2008 to 2016, 86% to 96% nursing graduates obtained the license to practice nursing in Canada

·         91% of regulated nurses held a license to practice from the same Canadian jurisdiction where they completed their nursing programs.

“It’s a feast of opportunities,” says Doris Grinspun, CEO of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. “The field is so broad, and supplies so many different opportunities and experiences.”

In almost every corner of the country, nurses are in high demand. Growth of ill population and retiring old nurses are two prime reasons indicating a major demand for nurses in Canada. Hence, a perfect timing for you to consider nursing study in Canada.

Ontario for Nurses

Nurses, once you’ve studied the scope of nursing in Canada on a broader level, you must choose a suitable province to study in.

The province of Ontario situated in the east-central Canada is a popular choice amongst Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) for a majority of reasons including the following:

·         Affordable post-graduate nursing programs

·         Transparent governing body for nurses

·         Increased employment opportunities

Ø Affordable post-graduate nursing programs

Colleges and universities in Ontario provide a wide range of nursing programs for international nurses. However, to enroll in a cost-effective and beneficial program, you need to be extra careful with the guidance coming your way. It is advisable to study postgraduate nursing programs if you have completed BSc Nursing from your native country.

Postgraduate study programs are time saving and a few of them facilitate specialty-based learning too.

At INSCOL, we offer an exclusive range of postgraduate nursing programs in trusted colleges of Ontario. You can choose to study a nursing specialization of your choice and with our programs, you can also improve your eligibility to begin the nursing registration process.

Ø Transparent Governing Body for Nurses

All the Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses and Nurse Practitioners practicing within Ontario are members of the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO).

Facilitating easy accessibility, all the relevant information and processes are now available online on the official website of College of Nurses of Ontario. Trusting the facts, in December 2015, more information about Ontario’s nurses became available on Find a Nurse, the College’s register of its members. This was in response to calls from the public, the media and government stakeholders for access to more information about the province's health care professionals, especially when it comes to conduct and practice issues.

If you’re an Internationally Educated Nurse, planning to work as a Registered Nurse in Canada, here is the application process you must follow.

Ø Increased Employment Opportunities

In 2017, the profession of nursing topped the charts with a sky-high scope of employment in Ontario. Comparing the growth charts with the previous years, nursing has stepped up the growth ladder. Sources also state a minimum 9% of growth in nursing positions in Ontario by 2022.

Ontario is a prime attraction for IENs to study, grow and prosper. You might as well complete your nursing education in Ontario and further apply to become a Registered Nurse in the province. With an average pay of C$31.85 per hour, you can treat yourself to a life more than ordinary.

<Insert Ontario info graphic>

The best day to decide is today

At INSCOL, we always support the idea of thinking, re-thinking and making a call. However, in context to the growth of your nursing career in Canada, it is advisable to wait no more and proceed further.

You must also take in consideration the fact that Canadian immigration rules are ever changing. These changes are for good and at times for bad too. That said, before you miss an opportunity, it’s advisable to seek a trusted advice and begin your journey towards becoming a Global Nurse. For a free consultation from INSCOL, reach out to us at
Nurses, we believe you’re capable of making smart choices. It’s time to exemplify the same.